Shore Wind Farm) ขนาดกําลังการผลิต 29.70 เมกะวัตต ตั้งอยูในจังหวัด Ben Tre ทางตอนใตของ สาธารณรัฐสังคมนิยมเวZยดนาม โครงการมี PPA ระยะยาว 20 ปกับการไฟฟาเวZยดนาม มีเงนลงทุนโครงการทั้งหมด ประมาณ 45 ลาน
the operation and various risks pursuant to Paragraph 1. Clause 23 Each derivatives clearing house shall establish a plan for recovery or an orderly wind-down, with approval of its board of directors
projects such as wind or solar energy generation are common, and achieve avoided emissions compared to energy generation using fossil fuels. Banking (Bank): Financial institutions that mostly undertake
expand the number of K PLUS SHOP users. In this quarter, we initiated QR code payment through a special lane at PTT service stations under the Speed Pay Station concept, while also encouraging the general
BU 1,172 2.4 949 2.0 881 1.9 - Medium Voltage Drive BD 3 0.0 2 0.0 5 2.2 - Wind Power 3 0.0 2 0.0 51 0.1 Automation Group 1,796 3.6 1,974 4.2 1,584 3.4 IABG (Industrial Automation) 1,778 3.6 1,974 4.2
ในเครอืรฐัออสเตรเลยี วนัที ่19 มนีาคม 2562 Collector Wind Farm Pty Ltd บรษิทัยอ่ยทีบ่รษิทั ราช-ออสเตรเลยี คอรป์อเรชัน่ จํากดั ถือหุน้ทัง้จํานวน ได้ลงนามสญัญาทางการเงนิกบั Clean Energy Finance
payment, commodities and services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in
78,000 sq. m. of retail space, this innovative lifestyle centre will provide a vibrant new place for people to meet, shop, dine and interact. Highlighting the project’s focus on sustainability, the mall
78,000 sq. m. of retail space, this innovative lifestyle centre will provide a vibrant new place for people to meet, shop, dine and interact. Highlighting the project’s focus on sustainability, the mall
payment, commodities and services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in