Subordinated Debt Instrument Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Financial Strength (BCA) baa2 baa2 baa2 Outlook Stable Stable Stable Standard & Poor’s Long-term Counterparty Credit Rating BBB+ BBB+ BBB+ Short-term Counterparty
Long-term Deposit Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Short-term Deposit P-2 P-2 P-2 Senior Unsecured Debt Instrument Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Subordinated Debt Instrument Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Financial Strength (BCA) baa2 baa2 baa2 Outlook
Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Subordinated Debt Instrument Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Subordinated Debt (Basel III-compliant Tier 2 securities) Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Financial Strength (BCA) baa1 baa1 baa1 Outlook Stable Positive
”) ประเภทสินทรัพยถ์าวร เคร่ือง Cable modem termination system, เคร่ืองวเิคราะห์สญัญาณ, เคร่ือง วเิคราะห์สญัญาณวทิย ุเคร่ืองเราทเ์ตอร์อุตสาหกรรม จ านวน 1 ชุด และ อุปกรณ์ การทดสอบระบบ จ านวน 3 ชุด อายกุารใชง้าน
of 2017, resulting from increased sales to clients, including digital TV station operators and cable and satellite TV station operators. Furthermore, revenue from program rights in the first quarter of
of change in qualification of grid interconnection cable required by a private power operator, then also non-negotiable payment period of land purchase for the project under BMP-5, and change in
Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking TSE THAI SOLAR ENERGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking TSC THAI STEEL CABLE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56
” outlook, which reflects the company’s financial strength and low operating risks. In addition, TRIS Rating assigned the company rating of Universal Utilities PLC at “A-” with “stable” outlook, which
. will support potential and strength of the investment funds, management and the customer base of the Planet in the future. Miss Pitchapim Pattamasattayasonthi (Sister of Miss Kritchanok
V3 22/02/61 10:09 น. 0 V3 22/02/61 10:09 น. 1 Management Discussion and Analysis Overview of the Economy and Banking Industry Thai Economy in 2017 In 2017, Thailand’s real GDP grew by 3.9 percent, up from 3.3 percent in 2016 on the back of rising exports and a robust tourism sector, consistent with a stronger recovery in global demand. Headline inflation rose to 0.7 percent, following higher energy prices, while core inflation, which excludes energy and food prices, increased by 0.6 percent due,...