. Limited (“VNTH”), its subsidiary in Singapore, and then realized loss on foreign currency differences on dissolution amounting to -13 MB from other comprehensive income to the loss for the year. MTHB % MTHB
| - |- Guideline on the commencement for operation of securities / derivatives business | - |- Securities Brokerage (Section 113) | - |- Brokerage of capital market product denominated in foreign currency
| - |- Securities Brokerage (Section 113) | - |- Securities Dealing (Section 114) | - |- Securities Underwriting (Section 116) | - |- Underwriter of capital market product denominated in foreign currency | - |- Books
) | - |- Branches (Section 92) | - |- Representatives Offices Establishment (Section 93) |- Complaint Handling |- Anti-money Laundering |- Information Technology |- Business Continuity Management (BCM) |- Arbitration
. Total Liabilities Total liabilities decreased from Bt6,576 million at the end of 2017 to Bt6,246 million as of March 31, 2018; short-term debt as well as the long term loan decreased due to increased cash
Total liabilities decreased from Bt7,300 million at the end of 2016 to Bt6,828 million as of June 30, 2017; short- term debt as well as the long term loan decreased due to increased cash flow from
, decreasing by THB 380.44 million. The main reason was the recognition of loss on foreign exchange as AUD currency depreciated in relative to USD currency. However, the operating result for the 1st quarter of
decrease in Availability Payment and the increase in power plants’ spare parts. In addition, the Company recorded loss on foreign exchange as AUD currency depreciated in relative to USD currency. The
, held by Broadspectrum Pty Limited and as part of the repayment of the outstanding long-term loans from Broadspectrum Pty Limited. including related rights under the terms of the agreement for an amount
percent of the shares of RATCH-Australia Corporation Limited, a subsidiary, held by Broadspectrum Pty Limited and as part of the repayment of the outstanding long-term loans from Broadspectrum Pty Limited