beneficiaries. These responsibilities include consideration of the risk profiles of Investee Companies. Institutional Investors should ensure to invest in companies that integrate Environment, Social and
which in turn would only be possible with the support of a healthy financial reporting ecosystem. Striving to achieve such quality, the SEC has directed its efforts towards strengthening the various
at BTS Group Sustainability at BTS Group BTS’s Corporate Sustainability Policy (CSP) 4BTS Group Green Bond Presentation Economic Society Environment City Solutions Concept C u st o m er s Su p p lie rs
Doing Business, currently known as the Business Enabling Environment (BEE) project. The BEE project is expected to introduce new approach for assessing the business and investment climates from the
Doing Business, currently known as the Business Enabling Environment (BEE) project. The BEE project is expected to introduce new approach for assessing the business and investment climates from the
stimulus measures. Against this backdrop, KBank has established its business direction primarily by considering the balance of three dimensions – economy, society and environment – under good corporate
the business and environment are alleviated and beneficial opportunities are realized. Agribusiness insurance: insurance protection designed to protect businesses that earn all or most of their revenue
rate does not exceed Baht 3 million per year by considering upon the market price, location, building feature, environment area sizing and utilization of assets. Rental rate shall be monthly paid by cash
Earth Tech Environment Public Company Limited ที ่11 พฤศจกิายน 2563 เรื่อง ค าอธบิายและการวเิคราะหข์องฝา่ยจดัการ ผลการด าเนินงานส าหรบังวดสิน้สดุวนัที ่30 กนัยายน 2563 เรยีน กรรมการและผูจ้ดัการ ตลาด
electronic transactions to increase competitiveness of business operators as well as creating the readiness and conducive environment for the use of cutting-edge digital technologies to enhance operating