as specified in the fund’s article. In cases where there is any doubt in information or rule specified in the fund’s article, even it is trivial, the management company should immediately inquire the
to investors in both jurisdictions in terms of the form which that notice takes6. 20. For avoidance of doubt, changes that render the Hong Kong Covered Fund ineligible under this MRF (for example – the
connection to the organization’s internal network systems; “ use of mobile device ” means the use of mobile devices in the operation to access the critical information system via direct connection to the
connection to the organization’s internal network systems; “use of mobile device” means the use of mobile devices in the operation to access the critical information system via direct connection to the
connection to the organization’s internal network systems; “use of mobile device” means the use of mobile devices in the operation to access the critical information system via direct connection to the
disruption may have significant impact on their clients, undertakings, businesses, reputation, financial condition, and operating performance; “use of mobile device” means the use of mobile devices in the
disruption may have significant impact on their clients, undertakings, businesses, reputation, financial condition, and operating performance; “ use of mobile device ” means the use of mobile devices in the
avoidance of doubt, this Paragraph 5 does not apply to the notification of non-public information for any Enforcement Purposes in the jurisdiction of the Authority receiving the information, which will be
i.e. protection seller CDS; Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of restricted assets. Hong Kong Covered Management Companies are encouraged to consult the SFC if in doubt on any issues. (As
i.e. protection seller CDS; Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of restricted assets. Hong Kong Covered Management Companies are encouraged to consult the SFC if in doubt on any issues. (As