designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 62,709 0 62,709 n.a. Gain (loss) on investments, net 389,893 177,943 211,950 119.1 Dividend income and profit sharing 967,561 673,584 293,977 43.6 Other
(180,426) (39.5) Gain on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 285,937 62,709 223,228 356.0 Gain on investments, net 568,068 389,893 178,175 45.7 Dividend income and
financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (36,349) 73,883 (110,232) (149.2) Gain (loss) on investments, net 498,805 45,324 453,481 1,000.5 Dividend income and profit sharing
transactions, net 115,364 87,750 27,614 31.5 Gain (loss) on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (36,349) 73,883 (110,232) (149.2) Gain (loss) on investments, net 498,805
designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 73,883 0 73,883 n.a. Gain (Loss) on investments, net 45,324 51,277 (5,953) (11.6) Dividend income and profit sharing 315,019 207,619 107,400 51.7 Other
930,811 132,195 14.2 Gain (Loss) on trading and foreign exchange transactions, net 87,750 (21,274) 109,024 512.5 Gain on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 73,883 0
designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (80,769) 0 (80,769) n.a. Gain on investments, net 141,843 124,227 17,616 14.2 Dividend income and profit sharing 257,775 220,661 37,114 16.8 Other operating
designated at fair value through profit or loss, net (80,769) 0 (80,769) n.a. Gain on investments, net 141,843 124,227 17,616 14.2 Dividend income and profit sharing 257,775 220,661 37,114 16.8 Other operating
and foreign exchange transactions, net 457,007 268,337 188,670 70.3 Gain on financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net 62,709 0 62,709 n.a. Gain (loss) on investments
ทีท่ าหน้าที ่oversight : คณะกรรมการ บลจ. ซ่ึงตอ้งประกอบดว้ย กรรมการท่ีเป็น designated directors ท่ีมีความเป็นอิสระ รวมทั้งมีคุณสมบติั และจ านวนตามท่ีคณะกรรมการ ก.ต.ท. ประกาศก าหนด โดยจะก าหนดใหต้อ้งมีจ