prospectus to be clear and concise by taking into account recommendations from industry.The proposed revisions aim to (1) simplify format for information disclosure, (2) facilitate minor amendments to be more
importance and the benefits of reporting carbon footprint for organization. Both parties will also ensure to have Carbon Footprint for Organization monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system in place
-related operations, such as bondholder representatives and bond registrars. The revised Terms and Conditions is in compliance with the SEC’s amended regulations, enhances the efficiency of bondholder
statements from the origin, in order to enhance the quality of financial reporting. The study was conducted by the Research Institute for Policy Evaluation and Design, University of the Thai Chamber of
Pursuant to the amended regulatory sandbox regulations, which will take effect on 16 August 2020, more types of businesses are eligible to participate in a regulatory sandbox, covering all
regulations determining practices to propose agenda items by shareholders and to solicit proxies from shareholders. SEC, therefore, plans to issue regulations on these matters to promote uniformity in the
The SEC has advocated all listed companies to state in their annual reports (form 56-2) and annual registration statements (form 56-1) additional disclosures on (1) definition of independent
The SEC has advocated all listed companies to state in their annual reports (form 56-2) and annual registration statements (form 56-1) additional disclosures on (1) definition of independent
goods and products. The payers and receivers of digital assets in this manner have to accept all risks involved, including volatility of the value of digital assets, cyberthefts and misuse of digital
the Bank of Thailand (BOT), organized financial and investment lectures for the public under the topic, “Protecting Thai Finances in the Digital Era.” The event aimed to enhance public awareness on