, The Stock Exchange of Thailand With respect to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019, as submitted by the Company, which has been audited by the external auditor, considered by
perspective, all ratios were at extremely low risk level as bank loans were paid off. In respect of liquidity ratio, trade receivable day barely changed. Despite lower accrual from social security bureau
IPO proceeds. Return on Assets and Return on Equity improved from 6%-8% during 9M16 to 11%-12% yoy. It was driven by the outstanding profit and the Company’s consistent dividend payment. In respect of
improved from 8% and 10% in 2016 to 13% and 15% yoy. It was driven by the outstanding profit and the Company’s consistent dividend payment. In respect of liquidity ratio in 2017, the ratios were not
agreement; (d) other liabilities as stipulated by the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. (8) “ risk haircuts ” means risk haircuts with respect to the undertaking of
liabilities as stipulated by the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. (8) “risk haircuts” means risk haircuts with respect to the undertaking of derivatives business or any
the Securities and Exchange Commission. (8) “risk haircuts” means risk haircuts with respect to the undertaking of derivatives business or any other operation of a derivatives broker; (9)1 “collateral
maintenance margin in respect of any derivatives position, the amount of the initial margin and maintenance margin for such position by contract shall be indicated; (2) The market price of derivatives contract
risk haircuts with respect to undertaking securities business or any other operation of a securities company ; (8) “ collateral ” means total sum of pledged assets for exposure to derivatives according
repurchase agreement; (d) other liabilities as stipulated by the Notification of the SEC Office. (7) “risk haircuts” means risk haircuts with respect to undertaking securities business or any other operation