expanding and further developing the energy business. And the long-term benefits of joint venture in this business. 8. Opinion of the Board of Directors regarding the Transaction Opinion of the Board of
when the Board of Directors Meeting was and will be proposed to the Shareholders Meeting for the approval further. The Company would like to clarify the operating results of the Company and its
Audit Committee, and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on August 10, 2020, the Company wishes to report further clarifications in summary as follows: Summary of the company’s operation result
subsidiary company name in India to FPI Autoparts India Private Limited, in which its financial statement is included in our current financial statement. Furthermore, the company has further invested in
services income, financial position, operating results, and cash flows at present. Further is expected to do so in the future. However, the management has continuously monitored the ongoing developments and
been affected in accordance with the economies of major trading partners and the declining global trade volumes. This has begun to have further effects across all sectors, especially to domestic demand
เสนอขำย : ระยะเวลำจองซ้ือ (ใหร้ะบุกรณีออก PO) : วนัท่ีออกตรำสำร (คร้ังแรก) วนัท่ีออกตรำสำร (คร้ังน้ี) (ใหร้ะบุกรณีออก further issue) : วนัซ้ือขำยสุดทำ้ย : วนัท่ีครบก ำหนดอำยุ : รำคำอำ้งอิง/ดชันีหล
.: _________________________ Part E: Custody of Assets Same as Trustee/Fund Supervisor No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of Custodian
.: _________________________ Page 6 of 8 Form 35 – NRI CIS Part E: Custody of Assets Same as Trustee/Fund Supervisor No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 23) Name of Custodian
requirements of the revised regulations as well as providing guidelines for business operators accordingly. For further information and inquiries, please contact Ms. Sireethorn Civilize, Assistant Director, at