been authorized as a signatory unless it is demonstrated that affixation of his signature must be under the resolution of the board of directors and must co-sign with other directors. 2 “governmental
shall sign on the risk disclosure statement to certify that the risks relating to trading derivatives have been clarified to the client, and shall arrange the client to sign on such statement to certify
shall sign on the risk disclosure statement to certify that the risks relating to trading derivatives have been clarified to the client, and shall arrange the client to sign on such statement to certify
portion of the registration statement. E. Sign Offs or Consents from the Financial Adviser Providing Service to the Issuer in the Preparation of the Registration Statement Where the financial adviser in
กลำงแจ้ง 1 เดือน ในไตรมำส 1 ปี 2559/60) ในช่วงเดียวกนันี ้MACO ยงัรับรู้รำยได้จำกกำรรวมงบกำรเงินกบับริษัท มัลติ ไซน์ จ ำกัด (“Multi Sign”) ซึ่งได้เข้ำซือ้ตัง้แต่เดือนตุลำคม ปี 2559 (โปรดอ่ำนรำยละเอียดผล
in accordance with the laws on securities and exchange to sign or print a signature instead. Such a signature or print shall be in accordance with the laws on securities and exchange. Amended to read
share registrar in accordance with the laws on securities and exchange to sign or print a signature instead. Such a signature or print shall be in accordance with the laws on securities and exchange
the selling price). After the disposal of all investments in NML, NML will cease to be a subsidiary of the Company. Nevertheless, it was uncertain if the Company and the Purchaser would be able to sign
and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) แ ล ะ Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA)๘ โ ด ย ทัว ไ ป แ ล้ว UETA แ ละ ๓ The Electronic Transactions Act
as specified in the fund’s article. In cases where there is any doubt in information or rule specified in the fund’s article, even it is trivial, the management company should immediately inquire the