. Fianancial Electronic Services Presently, Thailand will move to the Digital Transformation and the government policy in the Digital Economy operation plan. Therefore, the bank pays attention to the innovation
December 2017, respectively. The key issues that could have an effect on the future cost of goods sold include not only the changes from government policy in the cane and sugar industry by terminating the
UK Govt 5-10 yr (ที่มา : Bloomberg) โดย ดชันีดงักล่าวสะทอ้นการลงทุนในพนัธบัตรรฐับาลสหราช อาณาจักร (UK Government Debt) - เงินสด (Cash) : เปรียบเทียบกับ 3 Month £ LIBOR Interest Rate (ที่มา : Bloomberg
channel of any government bond or bond guaranteed for principal and interest by the Ministry of Finance and redempted by holders with specific or minimum price determined as of the issuing date does not
Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning Rules on Personnel in the Capital Market Business. Clause 24 In cases where an intermediary being a distribution channel of any government bond or bond guaranteed
) (Highway No. 9), the government agencies, together with nearby department stores. Thus, such land can be developed for the future commercial purposes. In addition, it was of the opinion that the land
and support the policies of the government and the PTT Group in furtherance of the business expansion under the development plan of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as the Company will be able to
and support the policies of the government and the PTT Group in furtherance of the business expansion under the development plan of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as the Company will be able to
part management. 7.6 The Company will be able to accommodate and support the policies of the government and the PTT Group in furtherance of the business expansion under the development plan of the
investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with additional support from the government investment project even in this quarter its growth was lower than the assessment as the delayed