. - Administrative Expenses in 2018 amounted 747.11 million baht increased by 119.75 million baht or 19.09 % compared to 627.36 million baht in 2017 mainly from the increase of employee expenses and provision expenses
+ Increased / -Decreased / -Decreased Employee benefits expenses 188.46 (67.23) 179.05 (69.26) Fees and service expenses 40.69 (6.78) 40.66 (6.78) Finance costs 7.08 (1.62) 7.08 (1.62) Bad debt and doubtful
239 0.0 Other current liabilities 283 317 (10.6) Provision for long-term employee benefit 1,353 1,234 9.6 Other non-current liabilities 694 668 4.0 Total liabilities 14,362 14,260 0.7 Total shareholders
profit 1.05%, mainly caused by the Company recognized employee benefit from changing post-employment plan in expense of Baht 11.47 million during the period (net of tax). In addition, in Quarter 2 the
administrative expenses in Quarter 2/2019 increased by Baht 22.3 Million or 16.4% from Q2/2018 due to past services cost for long-term employee benefit (Labor Protection No. 7, B.E.2019) and IT system improvement
16.49 million or 225.58%. The major reason as follows. 6.1 Employee benefi ts expenses increased by Baht 5.47 million because (1) increasing in the improvement of employee benefit provision according to
deduction of total expenses for the period. For the second quarter of 2019, the employee benefit increased from new headcount as well as the increase in other operating expenses to support the business
revenue. 7. Administrative expenses for the quarter 1/2018 increased from quarter 1/2017 in amount of Baht 3.58 million or 20.73% by the reason as follows; 7.1 Employee benefit increased in amount of Baht
7.99% compared to 142.57 million baht in Q1/2017 mainly from employee expenses. - Share of gain from investments in joint ventures in Q1/2018 amounted 135.53 million baht while there was loss amounted
: Million Baht) Consolidated Separate Y2018 + Increased Y2018 + Increased / -Decreased / -Decreased Employee benefits expenses 448.86 16.13 434.57 16.93 Fees and service expenses 88.13 15.50 88.09 15.50