its subsidiaries for the three-month and nine-month periods, ended 30 September 2019 which has been reviewed by auditor are as follows: Table 1: Financial Summary for the 3rd quarter of the year 2019
ณ เดือนกันยำยน 2565 ค าอธิบายโครงสร้างข้อมูล (Description) รหัสตารางข้อมูล รหัสตำรำงข้อมูล (Table ID) ส ำหรับกำรใช้งำนภำยในส ำนักงำนคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลำดหลักทรัพย์ (Table ID) เลขทะเบียน
: 0-2832-1000 Fax : 0-2832-1234 The financial results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the three-month ended 31 March 2018 which has been reviewed by auditor as follows: Table: Financial Summary
following table. Revenue breakdown Total As of 31 December Increase (Decrease) 2018 2017 Amount (%) 1. Revenue from equipment rental and service business 366.52 351.00 15.52 4.42 2. Revenue from studio rental
table. Gross profit margin of land and houses in the first quarter 2019 and 2018 were 28.77% and 33.05% respectively, decreased 0.04 %. In first quarter 2019, Gross profit increases 0.75 % arising from
Operating Results for the Company and its subsidiary 1.1 Analysis of Operating Results for the Company and its subsidiary Table 1: Overall operating results for the year 2019 (Unit: Thousand Baht
increased to 51.0% from 49.4% in 1H16 and higher EBITDA Profit ratio, increased to 56.4% from 55.7% in the same period last year. Table 1: Operational Statistics Note: Occupancy rate of CPN and CPNRF
foundation improvement for Huay Bong 2&3 Wind Farm at June 30, 2017 are as shown in the table. Description Estimated total improvement cost (until year 2016) Estimate and cost for accounting recorded in 2017
% 57 6 51 871% According on the table above ,the consolidated financial statements for the period ended June 30, 2017 showed that the net profit from operation amount of 34 million Baht had increase 30
CentralMarina after renovation. Excluding new and renovated projects, same store rental revenues for 3Q17 increased approximately by 3.4% YoY. Table 1: Operational Statistics Note: Occupancy rate of CPN and CPNRF