-issuance disclosures is provided for ease or reference. DISCLOSURE CHECKLIST A. Pre-Issuance Type of Information Reference in ASEAN SLB Standards Recommended vs Necessary Location2 Selection of KPIs
นั โครงสร้ำงพ้ืนฐำน (Infrastructure) รองรับ กำรเปิดบญัชีซ้ือขำยและกำรท ำธุรกรรม ออนไลน์ไดโ้ดยสะดวก (ease of onboarding) single form 70,000 ประชุมและแถลงข่ำวเพ่ือ - ยกระดบัมำตรฐำน e-KYC ให้สูงข้ึน - ผล
make sure all parts are more beautiful, elegance and extravagance. The additional details of the project as mentioned previously require an increase in investment cost and consequently higher financial
make sure all parts are more beautiful, elegance and extravagance. The additional details of the project as mentioned previously require an increase in investment cost and consequently higher financial
that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system with easy-to-use menu and to make sure for financial transactions. It provides services of transfer money between bank
security system with easy- to-use menu and to make sure for financial transactions. It provides services of money transfer within the bank and other bank, payment for goods and services, loan payment, cheque
can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system with easy- to-use menu and to make sure for financial transactions. It provides services of money transfer within the bank
service which accommodates the financial transactions that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system and easy-to-use menu to make sure for the financial transactions. It
accommodates the financial transactions that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system and easy-to-use menu to make sure for the financial transactions. It provides the
easy-to-use menu and to make sure for financial transactions. It provides services of payment for commodities and services trasfer, cheque status checking, stop cheque, and account status checking. The