. Counterparty risk 3. Large exposure risk 5. ลกูหนีซ้ ือ้หลักทรัพยต์ามค าสัง่ Cash balance = 0% Cash acc. ทียั่งไมพ่น้ก าหนดช าระ = 1.2% - พน้ก าหนดภายใน 30 วัน -> (คุม้หนี/้ไมคุ่ม้หนี)้ - พน้ก าหนดมากกวา่ 30 วัน
promise in the amount of Baht 1,000,000,000 The said price does not include the value added tax, fee and expense for ownership transfer, lease registration fee, stamp duty to be posted on the lease
promise in the amount of Baht 100,000,000 The said price does not include the value added tax, fee and expense for ownership transfer, lease registration fee, stamp duty to be posted on the lease agreement
reached the invoice. As the result, cash and cash equivalents decreased. Unbilled Receivables increased by 322.9 MB or 74.4%, due to the large project that had been implemented and recognized the revenue by
get payment from those projects. As the result, cash and cash equivalents decreased. Trade receivables decreased by 134.3 MB or decrease of 5.9%, due to the large project that had been implemented and
previous year amounting to Baht 553 million. It was due to the projects that occurred in the previous year were 2 large projects while the projects that occurred in this year were many small to medium
decrease of Baht 56 million or a decrease of 14% compared to that of the previous year amounting to Baht 394 million. The decline was mainly due to the relocation of the production base of a former large
than Q4-2021 and Q1-2021, in fact, the large projects have already been delivered in 2021. Major projects delivered in this quarter such as the Project of information and communication technology
the government is quite limited. The large projects delivered in the Q2–2024 such as the Construction project to renovate a deteriorated power station Bang Samak Power Station in Chachoengsao Province
limit of THB 400,000,000 1. Interest at 12 percent per year, totaling THB 147,582,246.62. 2. Stamp duty from the entering into Loan Agreement of which the Borrower agreed to pay in amount of THB 10,000. 3