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2021 3 No. Question Answer Applicants may submit hard copies of the application documents at the SEC office during business days at 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (BKK time) or submit soft copies by email to
ให้นำส่งเป็น hard copy 1. การลง https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/8561a0.docx complaint-form-general-en.docx / derivatives / digital asset intermediaries e.g. securities company/broker, asset management
management’s handling of financial risk or difficulties and seek regular reports. 7.3.3 The board should ensure that any actions to improve the company’s financial position are reasonable and made for a proper
. Uncertainty remains regarding whether China’s overheated economy will experience a soft or hard landing, and whether it will cause much turbulence to the world economy. In Thailand, escalating oil prices exert
right of use assets following Accounting Standard as regular periods. • Other Current Financial Assets decreased by THB 10 million due to the debt repayment from customer on trade and other receivables
period ended Q2/2020, the figure is shown in foreign exchange gains. As a result, total administrative expenses show a net amount of THB 2.6 MB when analyzing regular administrative expenses each quarter
of the previous year, mostly from revenue from Trading (Big Lot – non regular transaction) decreased Baht 852.55 million. 2. Gross profit was Baht 55.63 million which decreased Baht 53.55 million or
the haircut shall be tested on a regular basis and the validity of the haircut calculation method shall be reviewed at least once a year; (8) determination of methods for identification and reduction of