handling the customer complaint as well as reporting progress and notifying the results provided by the derivatives broker; (3) arrange to have a system to monitor and inspect customer complaint proceedings
handling the customer complaint as well as reporting progress and notifying the results provided by the derivatives broker; (3) arrange to have a system to monitor and inspect customer complaint proceedings
proportion of the cost of sales to net sales revenues from 51.81% to 48.86% and the improving of gross profit margin which increased from 48.19% to 51.14%. However, the Company still pay attention and monitor
monitor the outbreak situation of COVID-19 in order to arrange a new meeting schedule as soon as it is reasonably practicable, and will announce accordingly. Please be informed accordingly. Yours Sincerely
-9320 The Company would like to apologize for the short notice of indefinite postponement of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. In the meantime, the Company will continue to closely monitor
information for investors and shareholders to make well-informed investment decisions and monitor company operation. _______________________________ ก.ล.ต. ให้ EIC ให้ความร่วมมือกับผู้สอบบัญชีและแก้ไขงบการเงิน
collaborating with the SET to monitor and examine this case. Any activity found liable to be an offense under the SEA will be subject to legal proceedings as deemed appropriate. Remarks:- Acquisition of shares
Thailand (SETLink) by 13 November 2024. The SEC is collaborating with the SET to monitor and examine this case. Any activity found liable to be an offense under the SEA will be subject to legal proceedings
particular case, the SEC will monitor the progress of the legal proceedings and collaborate fully with relevant authorities to support law enforcement under the SEA. Remark: * SEC News Release No. 104/2017
appointed the Product Committee to proactively research and study financial innovations introduced in the foreign markets, plan and monitor the introduction of new products in the local market, and make sure