regulations for placement or requirement of margin from the members, including the methods of calculation and adjustment of margin value, consideration and review of appropriateness of the model and factors
305.8 (158.5) (34.1%) Gross Profit 318.7 174.8 (143.9) (45.2%) Gross Profit Margin 68.6% 57.2% GPM before adjustment with PPA 69.7% 57.6% Rental and service income from warehouses, distribution centers
(excluding fuel cost) 1,950.86 1,218.84 732.02 60.1 Administrative expenses 410.50 340.41 70.09 20.6 Gain (loss) on fair value adjustment of derivatives (349.85) 105.46 (455.31) (431.7) Finance costs 360.44
- net 4,744.9 4,337.7 407.2 9.4 Total assets 240,713.1 240,084.8 628.3 0.3 Loans to Customers As of 31 March 2021, loans to customers net of deferred revenue and modification gain or loss from the new
Deferred Revenue Item Deferred Revenue Item = Deferred revenue from assets monetization to WHABT in 2015 which recognized in the first quarter of 2019 as a result of accounting standard adjustment (TFRS 15
value adjustment of investment due to reclassification in the amount of Baht 2,030 Million, net of corporate income tax. 4. On September 21, 2018, the Supreme Administrative Court rendered the judgement
Administrative Expenses from accounting adjustment of doubtful debt amounted of Baht 22.5 million in 1Q2018. However, Finance Costs decreased from Baht 93.7 million in 1Q2018 to Baht 76.9 million in 1Q2019
value of Baht 522.24 million that has been already implemented with work progress equivalent to 8.28%. In addition, in this quarter, there has been the additional adjustment to the estimated construction
(Hereinafter called “The Company”) still has carried adjustment of the business strategy to focus on the large project since last year and we got purchase order from big industry in this year in an amounting of
channel, such as sales from schools, airlines, hotels, clubs/bars, and restaurants especially in the tourist areas impacted from the COVID-19 in March. Dairy portfolio adjustment also contributed to sales