classification of REIT unit , specify details, rights, or returns of each type of REIT unit; (4) reduced paid-up capital (if any); specify cause for reduction in paid-up capital and every reduction in paid-up
ข้อมูล (data classification) และแนวทางการรักษาความปลอดภัยของ ข้อมูลที่สอดคล้องตามช้ันความลับ โดยครอบคลุมข้อมูลดังนี้ 4.2.1 ข้อมูลที่อยู่บนอุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ปฏิบัติงาน (data at endpoint) 4.2.2 ข้อมูลที่อยู่
for each product and investment strategy. This includes risk classification. b) Risk management processes: Describe process of managing (i.e. mitigate, transfer, accept, control) climate-related risks
the transmission of information among various KBank units. Significant efforts range from the classification and assessment of risks arising from data usage to the installation of systems allowing KBank
agreement periods that the company obtains the benefits. Note: 1. In the first quarter of 2019, the company has changed the classification of operating income and cost of sales resul ting in the operating
of intangible asset from the acquisition of GLOW 2. From the second quarter of 2019, the company has changed the classification of operating income and cost of sales resultin g in the operating income
customers’ and KBank’s important data, primarily taking into account proper data storage and use. To this end, we prioritize data classification, assessment of risk from data use, and installation of a system
developer. All of them were recorded as investment property. - The increased in withholding tax deducted at source amounting to 10.93 Million Baht as the service income has increased. (grouping as Other
ACMF is a grouping of the region's capital market regulators comprising all ASEAN member countries namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and
grouping, the AARG will work closely together with the audit firms to achieve this target.?Ms Nidaporn Assawateerakiat, Director of the Accounting Supervision Department, SEC (Thailand) said ?High quality