430,828,000 (Four Hundred Thirty Million and Eight Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Thai Baht), will be invested in the form of Equity of both sides and USD 25,800,000 (Twenty Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand
to support business expansion and to reduce some of the rental costs. In addition, the company invested in machinery and equipment for a new branch in Jiangsu, China. While current assets decreased by
tax Baht 20.9 million. 2. Net cash used in investing activities is Baht 1,353.0 million, increased Baht 77.4 million, because has invested in project of OSB (Oriented Strand Board) at Surat Thani Plant
to the invested in Research & Development center in India and new factory in India and Thailand. Moreover, we will keep on investing in machinery and equipment for improving the capacity and efficiency
7.8% from those of 31 December 2019. The Company and its subsidiaries have invested in Research & Development center in India and new factory in India and Thailand. Moreover, we will keep on investing
(NTA) = NTA of the invested fund Company’s NTA 0.24 Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (Narongsak Lertsuptavee) Managing director
collection from the invested Bill of exchange of WCI Holding Co., Ltd., resulted in the reversal of the allowance for impairment of Baht 14.37 million that offset the total expense for the period. The
asset which is a greenfield project to be a brownfield project; (3) to renovate the infrastructure asset invested by the infrastructure mutual fund to be proper in order to seek economic benefits; (4) to
recommendation on investment in infrastructure assets, as well as to manage infrastructure assets invested in by the trust. The investment committee under Paragraph 1 shall consist of the following persons: (1
risks and returns depending on different factors, terms and conditions. It is important to seek details of the funds to be invested from selling agents as well as request and study the fund fact sheets