cyber threat to ensure that clients’ digital assets under their custody are safe. Essentially, digital asset business operators are required to establish a cybersecurity system in accordance with the
2017 > CG Code > Principle 1 Establish Clear Leadership Role and Responsibilities of the Board CG Thailand Overview CG and sustainable business development SEC Roles Related organizations
Technology System dated 12 September 2016 (“Notification No. Sor Thor. 37/2559”) require that intermediaries establish policies, measures and operating systems for governance of technology and information
Technology System dated 12 September 2016 (“ Notification No. Sor Thor. 37/2559 ”) require that intermediaries establish policies, measures and operating systems for governance of technology and information
Section 92 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) permits securities companies to establish a branch office upon approval from the Office where the request for permission and granting
Section 92 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) permits securities companies to establish a branch office upon approval from the Office where the request for permission and granting
The financial crises in the United States and European Union, and the disastrous results of creative accounting practices employed by listed companies in foreign countries, such as Enron and Worldcom
การดูแลสุขภาพที่เปน นวัตกรรมในดานตาง ๆ (Innovative Healthcare) เชน การวินจิฉัย การรักษา และการปองกัน รวมถึงอาจลงทุนในตราสารทุน ของบริษัทท่ีผูจัดการกองทุนหลักเห็นวาประกอบธุรกิจดานการดูแลสุขภาพแม
No. TorThor. 45/2553 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Applying for Permission and Granting of Permission to Securities Company to Establish Branch Offices (No. 2) _____________ By virtue of
regarding Connected Transaction by the Company and Subsidiaries 11/08/2020 19:15 Notification of the resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting to establish a subsidiary in Cambodia 08/06/2020 17:50