international organization established to promote collaboration between independent organizations supervising auditors and also a member of ASEAN Audit Regulators Group. In term of improvement on auditor
resolved to approve the cash dividend payment from the operating results of 2H 17/18 at THB 0.054 per share (subject to the resolution of 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on 5
a new production line which provided more capacity in order to serve higher demand from customers. 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio decreased by 4.15% (from 93.86% to 89.71%) because the improvement of
period of 2018, increased by Baht 17.57 million or 22.7 percent as a result from increase in sale and the improvement of the inventory cost management as well as sales mix management in each product
opinion on the improvement of the regulations in order that the revised regulations will be appropriate for actual use. In addition, SEC will coordinate with business operators to expand the investor
public and ?Core Process Improvement? for developing its services and internal operating systems under the project ' SMART SEC Administrative Office". The awards were given at ?Thailand ICT Excellence
any comments and suggestions on system improvement.
improvement of audit quality, enhance the credibility of the financial reporting system in the Thai capital market, and strengthen the mechanism for investor protection. In addition, the proposed supervisory
investment in all products. ?Improvement of the suitability test will not only provide the business operators and investors with more convenience, but will also better reflect investor demands. The test
purchasing power. However, from Sep-21 onward, restrictions were gradually lifted, resulting in some improvement in consumer spending. Meanwhile, competition in mobile industry remained elevated as operators