ดำเนินงานในอดีต มิได้เป็นสิ่งยืนยันถึงผลการดำเนินงานในอนาคต * ผลการดำเนินงานในอดีต ประเภทกองทุนรวมเพื่อใช้เปรียบเทียบผลการดำเนินงาน ณ จุดขาย คือ Greater China Equity ดัชนีชี้วัด/อ้างอิง (Benchmark) คือ 1
transaction value is greater than 15 per cent but lower than 50 percent of the consolidated total assets of the Company. The entering into of such transaction constitutes an asset acquisition transaction of the
greater proportion than the reduction in costs of sales, which includes fixed expenses. In addition, the proportion of take-home products, which have a higher average cost than sit-in products, increased in
Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause 3. If the difference between the incorrect unit price and the correct unit price is less than one Satang or at least one Satang or greater, but less
Securities and Exchange Commission. (Translation) 2 Clause 3. If the difference between the incorrect unit price and the correct unit price is less than one Satang or at least one Satang or greater, but less
Exchange Commission. (Translation) 2 Clause 3. If the difference between the incorrect unit price and the correct unit price is less than one Satang or at least one Satang or greater, but less than 0.5
year 2018 is greater than the year 2019. It is because the same period of the year 2018 yielded the adjusted transaction of allowance for investment loss of 1.5 million baht and allowance for the
4.99 million baht, representing larger loss of 0.93 million baht or 22.83%, compared to the loss of 4.06 million baht reported in the same period of last year. The revenue from sales and service
total revenue from hospital operations for the 2nd Quarter of 2016 and 2017 were 11.49% and 11.48%, respectively. The increase thereof resulted primarily from the larger numbers and the rising
to gain larger market share. WATTANAPAT HOSPITAL TRANG PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Cost of Hospital Operations The cost of hospital operations in 3Q2016 and 2017 were in amounts of Baht 94. 89 million and