, according to the audited financial statements for the most recent financial year; (b) having direct investment in securities or derivatives in the amount of not less than forty million baht, or not less than
Due to the reasons that digital assets are created by using blockchain and having unique storage methods, typically in digital wallets, together with recent news highlighted that many overseas DA
In recent times, investment management companies are significant and connected to country’s economic system and have been growing continuously. By the end of June 2018, the net asset value
cooperation if DSI requires additional clarifications or further investigation in the case.According to recent news reports, the public prosecutor has brought charges in the Criminal Court against seven
most recent financial statements or the consolidated financial statements, excluding companies operating financial institution business; (2) Requiring listed companies with the characteristics under
: Name of the subsidiary company: Jutha Phakakrong Shipping Company Pte., Ltd. Purpose of the establishment: For marine transport and etc. Located at: 50 Raffles Place, #17-01 Singapore Land Tower
, electrical charging and hydrogen refuelling installations for personal mobility devices. Rail transport: for electrified trackside infrastructure and associated subsystems: infrastructure, energy, on-board
. Rail transport: for electrified trackside infrastructure and associated subsystems: infrastructure, energy, on-board https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/LawsandRegulations/ResourceCenter
CRITERIA 1. วัตถุประสงค์ OBJECTIVE . 3. กิจกรรม ACTIVITIES โครงสรา้งของ Thailand Taxonomy ระยะที่ 1 Traffic Lights System ▪ พลังงาน (Energy) ▪ การขนส่ง (Transport) ครอบคลมุ 23 กิจกรรม จากภาคพลงังานและ ภาคการ
a passenger vehicle Total value of the transaction : Baht 3.40 Million (VAT Included) Criteria used in determining the transaction value : Market value Source of Fund : the Company’s working