‘Suntowers’, and the newly developed ‘Singha Complex’, a mixed-use development which is due for commercial operation in August 2018. In 1Q18, commercial property business registered total revenues of Bt.148mn
because in the past the company employed employees who have graduated below the bachelor’s degree, mixed with graduated employees with a bachelor’s degree, while now, the company currently has a new
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Page 3 of 15 Diversification into Mixed-use Development Projects In 1Q20, two new residential projects; ESCENT TOWN PHITSANULOK and NINYA KALLAPAPRUEK are launched as
efficiency as well as prepare upon re-opening. Central Pattana Public Company Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Page 3 of 16 Diversification into Mixed-use Development Projects ESCENT TOWN
efficiency as well as prepare upon re-opening. Central Pattana Public Company Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Page 3 of 15 Diversification into Mixed-use Development Projects ESCENT TOWN
executive director of the highest rank who is delegated by the authorized director; (b) Form 69-SUKUK shall be signed by all directors and the executive of the highest rank in the accounting division; (2) For
) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula An average of the 1Q2018 CPO(CPO-DIT) price was at 20.34 Baht/kg, being lower than 1Q2017 CPO price by 10.44 Baht/kg or down 34% yoy. This
ก์ำรคำ้ทีเ่ปิดด ำเนินกำรอยู่ แลว้ และธุรกจิอสงัหำรมิทรัพยป์ระเภทอืน่ตำมแผนกำรพัฒนำโครงกำรอสงัหำรมิทรัพย์แบบ ผสม (Mixed-use Development) เชน่ โครงกำรทีพั่กอำศัย ควบคู่กับกำรบรหิำรตน้ทุนกำร ด ำเนนิงำนและ
0.74 Biodiesel Mandate B7 B5 B5, B7 B5 B5, B7 Note : (1) Reference Price of EPPO (2) Reference Price of DIT (3) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula Management’s Discussion
% 4.31 4.97 15% Biodiesel Mandate B7, B5, B3 B5, B7 B7 B7, B5, B3 B5, B7 Note : (1) Reference Price of EPPO (2) Reference Price of DIT (3) Market ME Price - Mixed Feedstock according to EPPO's B100 formula