and the neighboring community which could retrieve waste water from Aukkrarawat may consider retrieving the waste water from such new projects if it takes less transportation time for them, and (2) the
. The value of consideration takes into account the appraisal of the shares of the business by different approaches, i.e. book value approach, adjusted book value approach, price to book value approach
the Purchaser and the Company, together with the business valuation. The value of consideration takes into account the appraisal of the shares of the business by different approaches, i.e. book value
consistent with the guidelines from the government. The Company takes into consideration the well-being of all stakeholders, including communities, business partners, tenants, and customers to maintain
accordance with international benchmark and consistent with the guidelines from the government. The Company takes into consideration the well-being of all stakeholders, including communities, business partners
has implemented guidelines that emphasizes on cleanliness and highest safety standard in accordance with international benchmark and consistent with the guidelines from the government. The Company takes
lack of vaccine, causes a severe slowdown in economic activity. The Bank, therefore, takes into consideration the impact of the public health crisis on the economy, both in the short and long term, as
compensation (such as employee stock ownership plan participation), (2) ensure that the individual total compensation takes into account industry standards and company performance, and (3) predetermined and
before it takes place? Ans. Yes - พ.ร.บ. บริษัทมหาชนฯ มาตรา 33 มาตรา 80 และ มาตรา 102 - พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพยฯ์ มาตรา 89/12 และมาตรา 89/13 - ประกาศคณะกรรมการกำกับตลาดทุน ที่ ทจ. 21/2551 - ข้อบังคับ
the risk (including to Stakeholders) that impacts may not occur as expected, and trade-offs between different outcomes or Stakeholder groups or sub-groups. 2.2.6 The Enterprise takes a risk-based