made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
) was made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
continue to create values under new technology. For example, financial advisors involved with an ICO will need to understand blockchain technology. 1.6 Considering this new technological context, many
to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate Governance
made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
sufficient information for use in investment decision making, and the nature and presentation of said information shall be in accordance with the following rules: (1) The language shall be easy to understand
ไดแ้ก่ (ก) การส ารวจและท าความเขา้ใจลูกคา้ (explore & understand) (ข) การก าหนดโครงสร้าง การลงทุน (portfolio construction) (ค) การลงทุนตามแผนจดัสรรการลงทุน (portfolio implementation) 3 (ง) การติดตามและ
wealth advice อย่างครบวงจร ท้ัง 5 ขั้นตอน ถ้าไม่มี ขาดขั้นตอนใด [ ] การส ารวจและรู้จักตัวตนของลูกค้า (explore & understand) [ ] การก าหนดแผนจัดสรรการลงทุน (portfolio construction) [ ] การลงทุนตามแผนจัดสรร
%20Investor%20Responsibilities_2013.pdf matter of a few years but whole generations. Such generational differences create real challenges for the governing bodies charged with acting in the interests of all