obsolescence due to efficient management as well as other expenses related to sales such as distribution costs, whereas the increase of advertising and promotion expense, the foreign exchange loss and expense
เพือ่สร้ำงผลตอบแทนจำกเงินลงทุน และมีกำรลงทุนใน derivative เพือ่เพิม่ประสทิธิภำพกำรบริหำรกำรลงทุน (Efficient PortfolioManagement) • แนวทำงกำรลงทุนของกองทุนหลกั - ใช้กระบวนกำรคัดเลอืกหลกัทรัพยผ์ำ่นกำรวิเครำะห์
and widely expanded across more areas. Furthermore, the Company also introduced various products through online channels to keep customers informed and able to access products more easily 4. Efficient
maintenance rules under Clause 15 of the SEC Notification No. Kor Thor. 19/2561; (2) Rectify the management and personnel structures to ensure appropriateness and adequacy for efficient business operations
and Mission The SEC’s vision, mission and objectives aim at supervising and developing the capital market to be efficient, transparent, inclusive, reliable, and in accordance with international
securities business and set up more efficient measures for preventing and detecting irregularities thereof. Investors are strongly advised to exercise discretion in making mutual fund purchases and should
companies are encouraged to lay out and implement anti-corruption policies and mechanisms to alleviate corruption risks directly and promote more efficient and transparent provision of public sector services
supervise and develop the Thai capital market with the mission to assure a conducive environment for a fair, trustworthy, efficient, dynamic, and inclusive capital market. The SEC collaborates with relevant
the waste treatment works, but in a way, make the treatment system more efficient. The income of the real estate business has slowed down, despite that, the number of lease of properties for sale
by more efficient management of pharmaceutical supplies. Administrative Expenses During 9M17, administrative expenses increased by 14% yoy due mainly to the increase of headcounts and salary rate in