Baht 1,089.5 million (2017: Baht 917.1 million) which increased by Baht 172.4 million or 18.8%. The profit before finance costs, share of profit of investment in associate and income tax were Baht
) (5,356.66) Cost of sales and services (4,413.12) (4,755.33) Cost of sales electricity (165.89) (51.48) Selling expenses (25.22) (60.19) Operating and administrative expenses (375.23) (467.36) Finance costs
income and other income 53.24 100.00 188.89 100.00 Costs 20.59 38.67 114.29 60.51 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 108.96 204.66 50.22 26.58 Management
) Repayment of long-term loan from related party 0 Cash receipt from raise up share capital 1,429 Finance costs paid (218) Net cash from (used in) financing activities 101 Net increase (decrease) in cash and
income 47.97 100.00 79.46 100.00 (39.63) Costs 18.79 39.17 42.14 53.03 (55.41) Administrative expenses, finance costs and share of loss from associates 37.52 78.22 29.56 37.20 26.93 Management benefit
Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 57.53 777.43 37.52 78.22 Doubtful Account 86.50 1,168.92 - - Loss on impairment of goodwill 51.20 691.89 - - Management benefit
: million Baht ) 2017 Percentage 2016 Percentage Total income and other income 59.05 100.00 239.69 100.00 Costs 22.39 37.92 144.41 60.25 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss
: million Baht ) 2017 Percentage 2016 Percentage Total income and other income 59.05 100.00 239.69 100.00 Costs 22.39 37.92 144.41 60.25 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss
Costs - - 9.35 72.09 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 28.78 484.51 15.59 120.20 Management benefit expenses 5.21 87.71 5.78 44.56 Profit (Loss) before
424mn, increasing 360% YoY and 2.5% QoQ mainly from recognition of 3BBIF’s share of profit. Finance cost was at Bt2,391mn, increasing 79% YoY, following higher interest-bearing debt from TTTBB acquisition