, with a registered capital of Bt100.0 million. The Company holds a 40% stake. This company operation were operate for petrol stations which located in the front area of Pichit Depot, Lampang Depot, and
outsourced warehouse and logistics. The gross profit grew from THB 602.8 Mn in 2017 to THB 703.6 Mn in 2018, an increase of THB 100.8 Mn or 16.7%. The gross profit margin decreased slightly from 24.3% in 2017
mainly due to (1) the increase of raw material cost from both the restaurants which the company owns itself as well as franchise restaurants and (2) increased service fee of outsourced warehouse and
manufacturing process, rain-storage system, and water system installation and water treatment project, etc. However, when compared with the same period of previous year; it can be proved that there are special
shareholders. ✓ ✓ ✓ Form for notifying the change of document storage (Form 89/15-3). ✓ ✓ Other information regarding the disclosure documents, letters of acknowledgement of obligations, or written
. Governing law Thai law 7. Approved the expansion of the flexible packaging business in the amount of Baht 75 million, comprising the construction of a factory warehouse at Baht 35 million and the purchase of
factory warehouse at Baht 35 million and the purchase of machinery, equipment and related expenses to increase the production capacity of the flexible packaging products another Baht 40 million. This is to
mainly due to (1) the increase of raw material cost from both the restaurants which the company owns itself as well as franchise restaurants and (2) increased service cost of outsourced warehouse and
and (2) increased service cost of outsourced warehouse and logistics. Selling Expenses For the 9 months ending 30 September 2017 and 2018, selling expenses increased from THB 68.0 Mn to THB 81.4 Mn
74.52% due to an increase in rent and service income from warehouse/factory space. This was a result from diversifying the Company’s business risk by expanding into recurring income business. The