Office Co., Ltd. to be the Company and its subsidiary’s auditor for the year 2020, with the auditing fees of not more than Baht 2,410,000 and appointed Miss Jintana Mahavanich, Certified Public Account No
consistently across all classes of rated entities and obligations to which a given rating scale applies. 1.7 Credit ratings should be assigned by the CRA as an entity (not by an analyst or other employee of the
Jitta Wealth Asset Mannagement C Between March 1, 2023 and May 11, 2023, Jitta Wealth Asset Mannagement Co.,Ltd, a fund management company, it has assigned person who are not person in the capital
assigned by such claimant; “SET” means the Stock Exchange of Thailand; “Office” means the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Chapter I General Provision ________________________ Clause 4. The
assigned by such claimant; “SET” means the Stock Exchange of Thailand; “Office” means the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Chapter I General Provision ________________________ Clause 4. The
private fund custodian; (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) - 2 - (5) a derivatives business operator; “claimant” means any person who is caused damage by the act of the respondent or any other person assigned by such
from derivatives for clients; “member of fund investment committee” means a member of a committee which is appointed or assigned by a fund management company to consider and determine the scope of
regulations of government agencies and specific regulatory authorities. The new criteria, coming into effect June 6, 2017, contain the following key points. - Expand the scope of operations for financial and
of FVC-W1 are set out in the Attachment No. 3. The Board of Directors or the designated person(s) is authorized: (1) to determine and/or amend the terms, conditions and details of FVC-W3, which shall
the company to select a person with knowledge and abilities suitable to act in the capacity so appointed. The person shall have no record of misconduct and behaviour which may affect to image of the