) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 1,989.20 1,129.80 859.40 76.05 Immovable property business 12.73 18.80 (6.07) (32.29) Agriculture and dairy farm 59.91 57.42 2.49 4.34 Total 2,061.84
2021 2020 Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 506.76 503.55 3.21 0.64 Immovable property business 3.04 2.95 0.09 3.05 Agriculture and dairy farm 15.72 17.10
) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 2,210.32 1,989.20 221.12 11.11 Immovable property business 18.54 12.73 5.81 45.64 Agriculture and dairy farm 60.17 59.91 0.26 0.43 Total 2,289.03
2022 2021 Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 628.05 506.76 121.29 23.93 Immovable property business 3.87 3.04 0.83 27.30 Agriculture and dairy farm 18.98 15.72
) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 1,129.80 700.75 429.05 61.23 Immovable property business 18.80 18.77 0.03 0.16 Agriculture and dairy farm 57.42 63.53 (6.11) (9.62) Total 1,206.02
2020 2019 Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 503.55 200.54 303.01 151.10 Immovable property business 2.95 4.72 (1.77) (37.50) Agriculture and dairy farm 17.10
distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 700.75 507.48 193.27 38 Immovable property business 18.77 13.77 5.00 36 Agriculture and dairy farm 63.53 43.45 20.08 46 Total 783.05 564.70 218.35 38 Contract
Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink milk, drinks 200.54 167.60 32.94 19.65 Immovable property business 4.72 4.66 0.06 1.28 Agriculture and dairy farm 17.28 17.38 (0.10) (0.57
showed a positive growth of 5% YoY and 6% YoY respectively, whereas its respective cost showed a slower growth of 2% YoY and 5% YoY. Costs of food and beverage were in line with revenues from food and
mainly due to Veranda Residence Hua-Hin ownership transferred and also growth of revenue from sales of food and beverage business due to acquisition of Gram pancackes and Pablo Cheesetart during Q4/2019