20.5 million - Acquisition of building improvement and equipment of Baht -5.4 million - Increase in cost of rubber plantation -2.3 million - Proceeds from sales of equipment -0.7 million 4F BB Building
16.49 million or 225.58%. The major reason as follows. 6.1 Employee benefi ts expenses increased by Baht 5.47 million because (1) increasing in the improvement of employee benefit provision according to
, Chief Executive, ACRA (Singapore) said ?By setting a quantifiable milestone, audit regulators and audit firms in the region have demonstrated their commitment to work together to raise audit quality in
โครงการแปลงสินทรัพยเปน หลักทรัพย โดยอาจแยกเปดเผยตามประเภทของความเสี่ยง 3. เปดเผยขอมูลรายละเอียดการเพิ่มความนาเชื่อถือดานเครดิต (“credit enhancement”) เชน ลักษณะ รูปแบบของ credit enhancement รายละ
เช่ือถือของตราสาร (credit enhancement) ตอ้งเป็นไปตามหลกัเกณฑเ์พิ่มเติม ดงัน้ี (7.1) แสดงไดว้า่ การท า credit enhancement นั้นสมบูรณ์และ สามารถบงัคบัใชไ้ดต้ามกฎหมาย โดยในกรณีท่ีมีการก าหนดเง่ือนไขท่ีอาจส่ง
total revenues from operations. The main reasons come from the increase in gross profit of food ingredient business for THB 29.74 million and the improvement on inventory control over slow moving stock
Sukjaroenkraisri Miss Sugunya Sukjaroenkraisri Director / Executive Chairman Director / Chairman of the Executive Committee / Chief Executive Officer / Major Shareholder of 14.72% 3,881,350 1.55 Mr. Yiem Chundprasit
percent, edging up slightly from 0.6 percent in 2017 given steady improvement in overall domestic demand. On December 19, 2018, the Bank of Thailand raised the policy rate for the first time in seven years
the strategic plans as mentioned above and for improvement and/or construction of new studios, seminar functions, customer accommodation function and office of the Company, including purchase of
this momentum to continue in the quarters to come. 1Q 2018 Highlights Core EBITDA increased 49% year-on-year to $326 million, driven by strength in all segments and structural improvement in the