beverages grew 4.0% YoY. Total personal care continued to grow 6.4% YoY, of which CLMV markets grew 31.6%. Overall international business grew 8.6% at constant FX rate, driven by CLM. OEM-glass bottles sales
9.79 เมื่อเทยีบกบัไตรมำสเดยีวกนัปี 2563 เท่ำกบัรอ้ยละ 12.39 สำเหตุทีอ่ตัรำก ำไรขัน้ต้นลดลงเนื่องจำก บรษิัทฯมกีำรเติบโตจำกยอดขำยผ่ำนช่องทำงออนไลน์ ประกอบกบัสดัส่วนยอดขำยของกลุ่มผลติภณัฑ์ Apple เพิม่ขึน้
including non-communicable diseases such cardiovascular disease, neurologic diseases, emergency care etc. Cost of Hospital Operations The cost of hospital operations for the 1st quarter of Year 2017 and 2018
, emergency care etc. Cost of medical treatment The cost of medical treatment for the Year 2017 and 2018 were in amounts of Baht 382.27 millions and Baht 430.52 million, respectively, which increased by 12.6
of 30 September 2017 To : Managing Director Stock Exchange of Thailand Ekachai Medical Care Public Company Limited (the “Company”) would like to clarify on the operating results for the nine-month
Hygienic Medical Service with Knowledge Base Management by Sterilized Sanitation such as advice for skin care, esthetics, cosmetics distribution including related products under trade name, service mark
Knowledge Base Management by Sterilized Sanitation such as advice for skin care, esthetics, cosmetics distribution including related products under trade name, service mark, trade mark “Wuttisak Clinic” of
diseases, emergency care etc. Cost of Hospital Operations The cost of hospital operations for the 2nd quarter of Year 2017 and 2018 were in amounts of Baht 9 0 .6 9 millions and Baht 99.04 million
, neurologic diseases, emergency care etc. Cost of Hospital Operations The cost of hospital operations for the 3rd quarter of Year 2017 and 2018 were in amounts of Baht 95.14 millions and Baht 108.25 million
?SECID=9809 SEC advises listed companies to exercise care and caution before investing in digital assets such investment. This is to prevent material impacts on the companies’ financial position or