At the SEC Meets the Press session today, Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon shared her perspective and vision for leading the SEC organization after recently assuming office. “I have taken
นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมเสวนางาน ASIFMA Compliance Asia Conference 2022 ใน Panel 1: Regulators’ Perspective: Looking Back
“Embracing Generative AI : Exploring Its Organizational Potential and Navigating Associated Risks from Key Stakeholders’ Perspective” (2) ฝึกอบรมภาคปฏิบัติ ภายใต้กิจกรรม Generative AI Governance และ กิจกรรม
change in perspective Society How is a shift in perspective landing in the world of regulations? Increase in sustainability disclosure/reporting standards Building of Sustainability Focused industrial
-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has outlined her perspective and vision for managing the regulatory agency, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balance between the roles of
-corruption Progress Indicators assessment helps to gauge the overall development of listed companies and could be a guideline for laying out a business strategic plan. From investors? standpoint, the
meetings. The purpose of this type of engagement is to share our perspective with the board about what we view as a significant impediment to our ability to meet our investment goals, and to explore ways to
Why Do people Seek Help? 3 Alpha, Beta and Now…Gamma 4 Different Types of Gamma 5 6 No Portfolio is an Island 7 One Size Does Not Fit All 8 A Total Wealth View 9 A Total Wealth Perspective Over the
. Facilitates impact communications across different sectors. Focus on stakeholders’ perspectives Design of the framework helps project owners to look at impact from the perspective of stakeholders. Provides a
exercise its leadership role and pursue the following governance outcomes: (1) competitiveness and performance with long-term perspective; (2) ethical and responsible business; (3) good corporate