Mr. Supun Kumsoodtee Mr. Supun Kumsoodtee conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point Associate Company Limited and Victor
Mr. Siripong Soda Mr. Siripong Soda conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point Associate Company Limited and Victor
Mr.Adisak Dandgomane Mr.Adisak Dandgomane conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point Associate Company Limited and Victor
Mr. Issara Maliwan Mr. Issara Maliwan conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point Associate Company Limited and Victor
Mr. Teerawat Kumsen Mr. Teerawat Kumsen conspired with other alleged persons to operate derivatives broker businesses in Thailand under the name of Base Point Associate Company Limited and Victor
, such as, the forms of services, the presumption of algorithm, any relevant risks, including the factors or events that would hinder the use of technology, and such information must be sufficient enough
, the hypothesis of an algorithm, any relevant risks, including the factors or events that would hinder the use of technology. This is to provide investors with sufficient information to decide to use
hinder the impact affecting the investors, the capital market, and the country’s economy. This public hearing is the result from the reasons thereof, which proposes the revision of the report forms of
legal requirement on minimum face value of debentures may be too high and hinder retail investors to access debt markets, or the prohibition of set-off can cause unnecessary procedures and fees to issuer
evidence that the company?s owners and some employees had formerly worked for Best Point Associate Co., Ltd. and Victor Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. against which the SEC had previously filed complaints