who feel excluded underperform, while people who are happy at work are 13% more productive • Organizations in the top quartile for LGBTI diversity have a profitability 25% higher than average • Diverse
early increase chances of achieving happy retirement.The SEC Working Papers Forum has been hosted under the Memorandum of Understanding between the SEC and four leading business schools, aiming to apply
has partnered with SET, the Association of Provident Fund (AOP), and the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC) to officially launch the program “Happy PVD Company”, which promotes and
Happy Money Happy Retirement Project; - Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC): Member companies are encouraged to lay out and implement anti-corruption policies
addition, the SEC and the Stock Exchange of Thailand has co-launched the Happy Money Happy Retirement Project; - Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC): Member
สาขาที่ 9 ที่ให้บริการโดยผู้บกพร่องทางการได้ยิน ณ สำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. รวมทั้งโครงการ Happy Money, Happy Retirement ของตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย- โครงการแนวร่วมปฏิบัติของภาคเอกชนไทยในการต่อต้านการทุจริต
in Happy Products and Service Co., Ltd., which the highest transaction value equals to 0.41 percent based on the total value of consideration criterion and the 3-month interim consolidated financial
gives the public a more convenient access to one-stop services on investment advice and the co-launch of the Happy PVD Company project with the industry alliance to promote sufficient savings for post
, for example, the launch of Wealth Advice for All initiative which gives the public a more convenient access to one-stop services on investment advice and the co-launch of the Happy PVD Company project
ษิทัฯ ถอืหุน้ใน NNV คดิเป็นรอ้ยละ 99.99 ของจ านวนหุน้ทีจ่ าหน่ายไดแ้ลว้ทัง้หมดใน NNV) ใหเ้ขา้จองซือ้หุน้สามญัเพิม่ทุนทีอ่อกใหม่ใน บรษิทั แฮปป้ี โปรดกัส ์แอนด ์เซอรว์สิ จ ากดั (“Happy”) ซึง่ประกอบธุรกจิการ