forcier business; (2) securities business; (3) derivatives business; (4) insurance business; (5) governmental financial institution established under a specific law. Division 1 Prohibited Characteristics
) governmental financial institution established under a specific law. Division 1 Prohibited Characteristics Clause 28 Personnel in the capital market business shall not possess the following prohibited
specific person. “ investment planner ” means a person providing investment consultation to investors and being allowed to make an investment plan in conjunction with such consultation by incorporating in
considering the appropriateness of investment, the objective of investment, the financial position or the demand of any specific person. “investment planner” means a person providing investment consultation to
considering the appropriateness of investment, the objective of investment, the financial position or the demand of any specific person. “investment planner” means a person providing investment consultation to
available risk. In case of damage prevention, it has an objective for preventing information and computer system from available risk according to a content cover the guideline for entering the computer centre
company operate business inconsistent namely trading securities system was damaged and unable to operate in the normal condition etc. or an effect causing harm to the customer’s information or customer’s
2. Mr. Thanathorn ChuchatpongFollowing order of person who is not an account owner or authorized by the client causing damage to such client
ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?NUCLEAR DAMAGE LIABILITY FACILITATION FUND | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 31/07/2555