346 37% 63% FY2018 33% 67% FY2017 1,386 1,802 Adjusted EBITDA Breakdown Operating Performance Exhibit 1 : Consolidated Company’s Performance UNIT: M THB 4Q2018 4Q2017 % YoY 3Q2018 % QoQ FY2018 FY2017
remains strong with low debt-to-equity ratio and high current ratio. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 4 Operating Performance Exhibit 1 : Consolidated
specification complies with the government standard. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 3 Operating Performance Exhibit 1: Consolidated Company’s Performance
decision. Non-compliance may cause the advertisement to be ceased or revised.Advertisement on selling of mutual fund investment units must include mutual fund?s significant information for investor?s
บริษัท เพซ ดีเวลลอปเมนท ์คอรป์อเรชั่น จ ากัด (มหาชน) (“บริษัทฯ”) ขอชีแ้จงผลการด าเนินงานส าหรบัปีสิน้สดุวนัท่ี 31 ธันวาคม 2562 โดยมีรายละเอียดดงันี ้ Exhibit 1: สรุปผลการด าเนินงานทางการเงนิ 2 | P a g e
quarter. C Contents Page Executive Summary A 1. Overview of Operating Environment 1 1.1 Global and Thai Economy in the Second Quarter of 2019 1 1.2 Banking Industry and Competition 2 1.3 Significant
Performance Exhibit 1: Consolidated Company’s Performance comparison of 4Q2019 vs. 4Q2018 vs. 3Q2019 vs. FY2019 vs. FY2018 Note: (1) Adjusted EBITDA refers to EBITDA excluding impact of Stock Gain/(Loss) and
significant rise to the world’s 3rd highest rank with 86 scores, from No. 15 with 75 scores in the preceding year. Such development was a result of the improvement in the Ease of Shareholder Suits Index
quarter ending 31 March 2018 amounting to Baht 37.21 million, an increase of Baht 25.18 million or 209.38% over the same quarter last year, due to the following significant factors : 1. Profits from
results showed the net earnings of 14.25 million Baht, which was a significant increase compared to the Q3/2014. 15/09/2017 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty