in, or procure for profit from holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or porcure for profit by other means. (As amended by Section 3 of the Securities and
in, or procure for profit from holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or porcure for profit by other means. (As amended by Section 3 of the Securities and Exchange
have its shares held by the trust in the amount which enables the trust to pass extraordinary resolutions; 2. where the trust is unable to acquire the shares in the said company in the amount under 1
is able to show that such redemption will not affect the fund’s viability; (2)* having the term, infrastructure fund, at the end of its name and shall also contain a term specifying the category of the
is able to show that such redemption will not affect the fund’s viability; (2)* having the term, infrastructure fund, at the end of its name and shall also contain a term specifying the category of the
specified in the fund project provided that the management company is able to show that such redemption will not affect the fund’s viability; (2)* having the term, infrastructure fund, at the end of its name
Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are knowledgeable, capable or experienced and who are
or permanent basis. In this regard, the SEC Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are
or permanent basis. In this regard, the SEC Office may prescribe other conditions for the derivatives broker to comply with. Clause 10. The derivatives broker shall procure personnel who are
for promoting and maintaining security, credibility, transparency and fairness in derivatives trading, as follows: (1) procure a derivatives trading system capable of supporting expected trading volume