หุ้นกู้และกองทุน - รองชนะเลิศอันดับ 2 ได้แก่ ทีม PangNoi เจ้าของผลงาน Invest Shield แอปพลิเคชันป้องกันและลดความเสียหายจากโฆษณาและการหลอกลวงลงทุน - รางวัลชมเชย ได้แก่ ทีม ESG Ez Invest เจ้าของผลงาน ESG Ez
from the recognition of tax shield as aforementioned. Liabilities as of 30 September 2017 decreased substantially mainly from the repayment of debt owed to financial institutions. The repayment was from
building renovation while other asset mostly increased from deferred tax which added by THB 26.6 million stemming from the recognition of tax shield as aforementioned. Additionally, the Company’s trade
shield. This is one of our key commitments to investor protection. Furthermore, we have stepped up our proactive approaches with the launch of the Investment Scam Hotline initiative to allow the public and
of the firm's assets as shown on equation Mackie Mason (1988) study on tax effects on asset values and investment decision and find that non debt tax shield e.g. the amount of tax carry forward or tax
understanding the drivers of company growth. • Advocate for increased disclosure and database development for ESG and intangible capital. For policymakers & Regulators • Voice over for better understanding on
QR Payment, as well as self-checkout. All associates wear a face mask and face shield at all times during operating hours. • Associates: The Company takes great concern for associates’ safety and has
นท่ีใหบ้ริการทกุคนสวมใส่หนา้กาก, Face Shield และถุงมือ พรอ้มทัง้ตรวจคดักรองอณุหภมูิก่อนเขา้ปฎิบตัิงาน และตัง้จุดคดักรองเพ่ือตรวจจับอณุหภูมิสาํหรบัผูเ้ขา้ใช้ บริการใหเ้ป็นไปตามนโยบายสุขอนามัยเฝ้าระวงัป้องกัน
Group's operating loss and utilization of tax shield. And for the 1st half of 2019 Mn, the Group’s income tax expense was THB 8.0 Mn. Meanwhile, in the 1st half of 2020, income tax expense was THB -36.4 Mn
you have access to a company’s board or the CEO? It might be more effective, and use fewer resources, to start at the top. 9. Does the company have a respected internal advocate on the topic of concern