date a 7 Exchange o ors’ Meeting 7, held on M schedule of 17”) on Mon Grand Fourw kok. record date onday, Octob agenda for th ors’ Opinion : ors’ Opinion : - and agenda f Thailand of Ladprao G Monday
Report of Acquisition and Disposition of Assets 31/05/2022 17:53 The Disclosure Transaction of Acquisition or Disposition Past item (Minimum Information) 26/04/2021 20:16 Schedule of Annual General Meeting
, Schedule of AGM 2021 (Update 2) 18/02/2021 18:59 BDM 1/2021 resolution, Annual cash dividend, Connected transaction, Changing a company director, AIE-W2, Schedule of AGM 2021 (Update) 18/02/2021 17:01 BDM 1
Page 1 of 11 No. RJH – SET 4/2018 26 February 2018 Subject : Resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting on acquisition of additional shares in the subsidiaries, dividend payment, and schedule of
the registered capital, Schedule of the 2022 AGM of Shareholders, the non-payment of dividends and the reduction directors(Revise) 28/02/2022 22:28 Notification of the resolutions regarding the
Meeting No. 3/2022 regarding the Disposal of Land and Ordinary Shares to Connected Persons, the Schedule 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, and Omission of Dividend Payment (revised) 01/03/2022 08
with the Cabinet’s resolution and the special holiday schedule established for financial institutions and specialized financial institutions for the year 2023. _________________________
) 16/01/2020 20:14 Notification of the Resolution of the BOD Meeting regarding of the schedule of EGM1/2020, Capital increase, an Increasing of investment cost in Carnival Magic Project, and compensation
reduction, capital increase, issuance and offering of warrants to purchase ordinary shares, edit the agenda and change the venue of the 2020 AGM and amend the connected transaction size 30/03/2020 19:49
Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors Meeting No. 5/2020 on connected transaction 26/02/2020 20:53 Schedule of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Edit) 26/02/2020 20:53 Schedule of