sales volume our Combined PET segment has improved its performance with better spreads and lower costs Due to management interventions we were able to efficiently manage our supply chains to keep
) Regulatory Framework Increasing Liquidity Narrow Spreads Algo Trading ช่วยเพ่ิมสภาพคล่องและลดต้นทุนการซ้ือขายแกต่ลาดโดยรวม 79% ของการส่งค าส่ังเป็นการเพ่ิม สภาพคล่องให้กับตลาด การส่งค าส่ังท่ีเพ่ิมสภาพคล่องน้ี
every finished product and crude oil price crack spreads, with supporting factors ranging from the maintenance of various refineries in North Asia, as well as concerns over supplies tightening after the
affected by the decline in most of the finished product and crude oil crack spreads, as a result of the oversupply situation in finished oil products, and the anxieties over the trade war between the US and
Business Operation for the 2nd quarter of 2017 Bangchak Corporation Plc. Crack Spreads Situation (Unit : USD/BBL) Crack Spreads Q2/2016 Q1/2017 Q2/2017 YoY QoQ 6M2016 6M2017 YoY AVG AVG MAX MIN AVG
and its subsidiaries’ performance by Business unit 10 | Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for the 3rd quarter of 2017 Bangchak Corporation Plc. Crack Spreads Situation (Unit : USD
Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for 1Q/2018 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 8 Crack Spreads Situation (Unit: USD/BBL) Crack Spreads Q1/2017 Q4/2017 Q1/2018 YoY QoQ AVG AVG MAX MIN AVG % % UNL95/DB
Corporation Plc. I 8 Crack Spreads Situation (Unit: USD/BBL) Crack Spreads Q3/2017 Q2/2018 Q3/2018 YoY QoQ 9M 9M YoY AVG AVG MAX MIN AVG % % 2017 2018 % UNL95/DB 16.10 12.15 15.85 8.09 11.52 -28% -5% 15.00
value chain. Note: Core EPS for 2013 numbers are not restated by quarters with change in new accounting policy as not material. Though yearly numbers are restated. Figure 2: Global Industry Spreads in PET
due to weakness in MEG margins (high inventories and new capacity additions) and low ethane-ethylene spreads in USA. Specialty Chemicals (NDC, IPA and Specialty PET) Indorama Ventures 1st Quarter 2019