qualifications and smart contracts by SEC-approved ICO portals; (3) There might not be enough necessary information disclosed for investors.(4) These is no business operators under SEC supervision allowed
companies and departments. These members should be disciplined to save money and must know have knowledge have to invest affectively. Also, fund committees must have enough knowledge and understanding to
mutual funds under management of the same asset management company only up to two tiers for general mutual funds may not be flexible enough. The SEC has therefore revised the governing rules in this
. Causing container races not sufficient since the 4th quarter of 2016, result in the transport of goods, the customer has less and less in the first quarter because they could not find enough container
and a number of duration of carrying goods that was 103 days, decreasing from last year as well because the Company had enough number of rubber stocks for production. Cash flow received from operating
2016, result in the transport of goods, the customer has less and less in the 1st quarter because they could not find enough container customers' needs across multiple paths. The situation improved in
year as well because the Company had enough number of rubber stocks for production. Cash flow received from operating activities decreased from the same period of last year, because the Company had lower
containing the details and enough information for shareholders to make a decision in voting within the timeframe. Primarily considering benefits and effects to the Company, the Chief Executive Officer, as
decrease from 0.88 times to 0.78 times and had a number of duration of carrying goods that was 116 days, which was an increase of 14 days from the last year because the Company had enough number of rubber
governance, and who is able to bring about the growth of their investment that would be sufficient enough for their employees’ lives after retirement. The contest is sponsored by various organizations