Management Name : Mr EK-RIT BOONPITI | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Sell | Transaction Date : 21/05/2018
by rotation consisting of Mr. Suthikiati Chirathivat Mr. Ek-Rit Boonpiti Mr. Russell L. Kekuewa and Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr as directors and independent directors of the Company for another term
by rotation consisting of Mr. Suthikiati Chirathivat Mr. Ek-Rit Boonpiti Mr. Russell L. Kekuewa and Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr as directors and independent directors of the Company for another term
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by rotation consisting of Mr. Suthikiati Chirathivat Mr. Ek-Rit Boonpiti Mr. Russell L. Kekuewa and Mr. Worachai Bhicharnchitr as directors and independent directors of the Company for another term