Bangkok, February 12, 2016 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on draft amendments to the principles and regulations on granting of approval for marketing agents of private funds (PF) and derivatives fund (DF) managers to enhance flexibility for business operation and adjust timeframes for approval procedures in accordance with the Licensing Facilitation Act of 2015. The draft amendments have taken into account the important role of PF and DF marketing agents in soliciting investors to use inv...
จะร่วมกับเจ้าหนี้รายอื่นแต่งตั้งตัวแทน (securities agent) เพื่อดูแลหลักประกันดังกล่าวได้หรือไม่ และการตั้งตัวแทนดังกล่าวถือเป็นการตั้งตัวแทนตามมาตรา 100 แห่งพ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ หรือไม่
and affected the stability of the global financial system. Due to this circumstance, international regulators have decided to issue liquidity measures.Realizing the importance of liquidity risk
In recent times, investment management companies are significant and connected to country’s economic system and have been growing continuously. By the end of June 2018, the net asset value, including the mutual funds, private funds, and provident funds, is approximately 7.08 trillion Thai baht, or about 44 percent in comparison to the overall GDP of the country. Therefore, if there were any events leading to fluctuations in the investment management business, a significant impact could pro...
their risk level in compliance with the governing rules.
-related risk information, to investors and stakeholders via the 56-1 One Report. The SEC has published the Guidelines as a manual that asset managers who manage mutual funds, private funds and provident
นางสาวจอมขวัญ คงสกุล ผู้ช่วยเลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมสัมมนาออนไลน์หัวข้อ “In conversation with … The regulators” ในงาน Climate Risk Asia Week ซึ่งจัด
, regulators, and credit rating agencies in various countries, also help to promote this climate risk disclosure into practical use. For example, by 2025, England has a plan to make all sectors in economic
of Thailand Information Security Association Committee who shared with the participants to raise awareness on technology risk for their proper preparation.The SEC has promoted the importance of three