of the debt securities. 2. Indicate whether the debt securities are registered or bearer securities, the total nominal amount of the debt securities as well as the individual face value of each type of
categories which are (1) provident funds of state enterprise, (2) provident funds of private companies, and (3) asset management companies. Both former categories are individual contests, while the third
(the “Group”) for the 3-month period ending 31 March 2018 as follows: Consolidated financial performance of the Group for the 3-month period ending 31 March 2018 in comparison with the corresponding
net profit of Baht 23.02 million or 59.75% from the corresponding period of the previous year as the following details below: 1. Revenue from sales and services decreased Baht 32.20 million or 7.93
net profit of Baht 13.83 million or 190.99% from the corresponding period of the previous year as the following details below: 1. Revenue from sales and services increased Baht 315.20 million or 112.48
period ended September 30, 2019, resulted in decrease in net profit of Baht 26.95 million or 91.26% from the corresponding period of the previous year as the following details below: 1. Revenue from sales
period ended June 30, 2020, resulted in increase in total comprehensive income of Baht 59.64 million or 283.00% from the corresponding period of the previous year as the following details below: 1. Revenue
respectively, equivalent to 4.7% and 3.1% respective of the total liabilities. The main non-current liabilities in long-term debt. The long-term debt due date within one year is THB 10.5 MB and THB 5.3 MB
. 02-816-9315 #444 2. Non-current Liabilities As of the year end 2018 and Q1/2019, the Company’s non-current liabilities THB 20.4 MB and THB 14.1 MB respectively, equivalent to 4.7% and 3.8% respective
and Q2/2019, the Company’s non-current liabilities THB 20.4 MB and THB 11.4 MB respectively, equivalent to 4.7% and 2.6% respective of the total liabilities. The main non-current liabilities in long