Ratio: NSFR) (ร้อยละ) 138 เงินกองทุนชัAนที 1 (Tier 1 ratio) (ร้อยละ) 17.7 เงินกองทุนทัAงสิAน (CAR ratio) (ร้อยละ) 18.8 หมายเหต ุ 1.ตวัเลข LCR คาํนวณดว้ยวิธี simple average โดยคาํนวณจากขอ้มูลเฉลีย ณ วนัสิA
for retirement saving Dual Process Theory 15 16 Experimental Design Experiment 1: Simple vs Complex Tax Incentive Option Pre-Requisition filtering respondents who understand how tax deduction works
awareness of the importance of cybersecurity plan, work system stability and data protection. Co-organized by the SEC and the regulated entities, the cyber drill activities were conducted by experts from the
the criteria in order to keep it current. Consideration is given to the fact that the rates of fee should be equivalent, simple, and appropriate for the capital market environment , for example
reporting for many industries continues to be a challenge and will take time as the market develops. In the early stages, the criteria developed need to be simple and transparent enough to bring both issuers
vote of the unitholders who have attended the meeting and have the voting right. For PE Trusts, such resolutions must be approved by a simple majority of unitholders with voting rights (not counting
needs and size of its business; (2) “fundraising tools” to make ones know and understand fundraisings in different forms and channels through an easy and simple presentation and have clear pictures
Capital-Guaranteed Fund Any other type, please specify __________________________________________ 6) Is the ARFP Passport Fund a sub-fund of a Regulated CIS? Yes No If “Yes”, please state the name of the
Capital-Guaranteed Fund Any other type, please specify __________________________________________ 6) Is the ARFP Passport Fund a sub-fund of a Regulated CIS? Yes No If “Yes”, please state the name of the
providers will have a duty to oversee proper securities trading. For example, information must be disclosed before and after trading for investment decision-making, trading must be regulated for smoothness