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26.9% TKS 285 326 (12.5)% TBSP 33 0.5 7,182% Non-recurring profit* 92 - 100% Non-recurring profit** - 213 (100)% Non-recurring loss A) - (212) 100% Non-recurring loss B) - (24) 100% Net profit for 2019
% from the previous forecast of 4.1%. The Bank of Thailand also maintained the policy interest rate at 1.50% during the Monetary Policy Committee meeting in June. The performance of Central Pattana Public
year-end, we have a sizable order backlog for ERP implementation and good sales pipeline. The recurring and non-recurring income of HMCG : Table 3: The break down revenue by recurring & non-recurring
Solutions decreased by 9.10mb to 45.11mb (1H 2019: 54.21mb) or 16.8%. Our overall recurring revenue grew by 24.15mb or 11.0% to 243.00mb (1H 2019: 218.85mb while non-recurring revenue grew by 54,41mb
-100% Gross Margin 116.33 120.29 -3% % Gross Margin 29.6% 28.5% 1% % Gross Margin (exclude non-recurring cost) 29.6% 30.4% -1% Administrative Expenses before Adj. 39.49 41.45 -5% Adj. staff benefit
to increase new Subscriptions licenses of Oracle ERP rather than selling a legacy Oracle on premises one. This will significantly generate a recurring income to ICE in the near future. Revenue from
THB 325 million in correspondence to the group’s asset restructuring. Without this non-recurring gain, total revenue was THB 5,245 million, a 3.3% decrease from 2016. The decline was attributable to the
statements • Thai Financial Reporting Standards 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers – due to take effect in 2019 • Recurring issues from the audit inspection findings and how to resolve them, i.e
's profit. 12/05/2017 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of 333,333.33 Baht