companies to achieve transparency and recognition by both local and international investors.”The ASEAN CG Scorecard (ACGS) is initiated by The ASEAN Capital Markets Forum with support from The Securities
, KBank was one of only 28 included in the DJSI World Index and one of only 14 included in the DJSI Emerging Markets Index. The selection reflects international recognition of KBank’s efforts to achieve
Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China and Thailand
Additional Provisions for Establishment and Management of Mutual Funds under the Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People?s Republic of China and
will further demonstrate the SEC role in promoting and supporting the business sector’s consideration of human rights in a tangible way and building international recognition of Thailand’s SDG
The meeting agreed to resume discussion to develop mutual recognition framework to facilitate cross-border mutual fund offerings. The discussion was initiated in 2004 before later being halted. To
. In the fourth quarter of 2023, there were 21 participants given recognition and awarded certificates for their contribution to the promotion of financial knowledge and investment skills of investors
Exchange-Traded Fund (Foreign ETF) Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong and Thailand (HK-TH MRF ) Establishment of Mutual Funds Cross-border Offering of Funds ASEAN Collective Investment
Company Corporate Governance Cross-border Offering of Funds ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS) Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong and Thailand (HK-TH MRF) SHARE : For More
company was at Baht 5,402 million, increased by Baht 3,273 million or 154% from Q1/2019, and increased Baht 3,771 million or 231% from Q2/2018. this is mainly due to the immediate recognition of GLOW’s